Sometimes, we receive leads that are not good for your business. But don’t worry, you can return these bad leads within 28 days of receiving them. Just send an email to and explain why the lead is bad. does not offer refunds but we will replace the bad lead with a good one.

Here are some reasons why a lead may be considered bad:
  1. The phone number provided is incorrect.
  2. The email address doesn’t work (emails bounce back).
  3. The lead says they don’t know anything about what you’re offering.
  4. The lead just wanted to complain about receiving an email and wants to be removed from our list.
  5. The lead is actually a competitor, not a potential customer.
There are other reasons why a lead may not be suitable for your business, but they can’t be returned. For example:
  1. The lead doesn’t have enough money to become your client.
  2. The lead changes their mind and is no longer interested.
  3. The lead decides to do business with someone local instead.
  4. The lead is not responding to your calls or emails.
  5. The lead simply doesn’t want to do business with your company.
  6. The lead has requirements that you cannot meet or don’t want to fulfill.
Please understand that we can’t control every aspect of the lead’s response. If a lead doesn’t respond to your emails or calls, it’s not something we can control. Your success in reaching out to leads depends on various factors like the frequency of contact, the content of your communication, the skills of your salesperson, and how much the prospect likes your website or portfolio. We know that if the prospect is interested, they will respond because they responded to our email. However, there may be something in your initial email or voicemail that the prospect doesn’t like, and they choose not to respond. While it can be frustrating, these situations are beyond our control. Some clients are able to reach 95% of the leads by phone, while others who contact leads less frequently and may not have a strong pitch struggle to reach only 30% of the prospects. The contact and conversion rates depend more on the methods used, the frequency of contact, and how you approach the leads rather than the leads themselves.