
Frequently asked questions

The leads we sell are people who are interested in Website Design or SEO services. We have different ways to find these two types of leads. Our potential customers are usually business owners who know how internet marketing and web design can help their organization. The leads we give you are exclusive, which means they are only given to one company and not shared with other companies. These leads are also fresh, which means we have recently been in touch with the potential customer, usually within the past 72 hours, before providing them to you.

Our team at the company contacts thousands of businesses every week using direct marketing techniques. Our primary method is email marketing, but we are always exploring other ways to generate leads, such as cold calling and social media marketing. We promote the advantages of Web Design and SEO to business owners and make the first contact on your behalf. When a potential customer shows interest by responding to us, that’s when we consider them a lead.

When it comes to getting top-quality leads, our team excels. We have a dedicated group of expert marketers and prospectors who specialize in finding leads for companies across the United States and beyond. Our in-house team has perfected the art of reaching out to businesses nationwide, educating them about the benefits of internet marketing, and turning them into paying customers. Each week, we contact thousands of businesses, generating leads that Website Design and SEO companies can rely on to grow their customer base. We understand the importance of leads that actually convert, so we personally communicate with each lead to ensure their genuine interest in purchasing website design and SEO services. We take pride in offering the best leads in the industry, and our satisfied customers can vouch for it.

To purchase our leads, simply visit our website and fill out the Order Form available. Once you submit your order, you can expect to receive your first lead(s) within 24 hours.

No, there are no additional charges or hidden fees. The price-per-lead that is displayed is the only amount you need to pay.

The lead generation industry can be filled with dishonesty, false promises, and disappointing results. Many companies claim to offer “exclusive” leads but actually share them with multiple businesses. They may also claim to provide “fresh” leads, but in reality, those leads are several weeks old. Some companies even fabricate leads altogether.

In contrast, we take pride in offering truly fresh, exclusive, and genuine leads. While we may not have as many leads as those other companies, we prioritize quality over quantity. Our clients trust us because we go the extra mile to ensure their success. We believe that their success is intertwined with our own, creating a win-win situation for both parties. As a result, our clients remain loyal to us and value our services more than those offered by other lead generation firms.

This depends on 2 things:

1. What SEO lead package you signed up for (we have many different packages), and 2. How many leads we are able to generate in that day/week.  Lead generation is very hard work and can be unpredictable.  We have big days and small days, big weeks and small weeks.  When we have big weeks, you will receive your maximum number of leads, but when we have small weeks, it can be much less.   The number of leads you receive each day or week will fluctuate with our lead flow.  

We target a wide range of businesses, both small and medium-sized, across various industries. Some examples of the local businesses we target are contractors, accountants, lawyers, real estate agents, landscapers, electricians, auto mechanics, and salons. Additionally, we also target national businesses such as manufacturers, e-commerce sites, software companies, finance companies, and more.

When it comes to the size of the companies we target, here’s a breakdown based on our leads:

  • Approximately one-third of the leads have 1-5 employees.
  • Another one-third have 5-15 employees.
  • The remaining one-third have over 15 employees.

This means that about two-thirds of our leads are relatively small in size.

Yes, we provide a guarantee for our leads. We ensure that all the leads we offer are fresh and the information provided is accurate. If you come across any leads that are incorrect or inaccurate, you can return them to us, and we will replace them at no additional cost.

Many SEO lead generation companies may exaggerate their numbers when trying to sell you their leads. However, we believe in providing the actual facts. Here are the real numbers:

  1. Exclusive U.S. Web Design and SEO Leads:
    • Conversion rate: Approximately 10%
    • Top selling clients achieve a consistent 20% conversion rate, but this is quite challenging.


  1. U.S. Shared Leads:
    • Conversion rate: Usually between 3-5%


  1. Average cost of websites built from our leads:
    • Price range: $1500 to $2500
    • Most sites are basic template-based WordPress websites.


  1. Additional expenses for clients:
    • Many clients have ongoing monthly costs for maintenance, hosting, or marketing, in addition to the initial website price.


  1. Average cost of SEO agreement:
    • Monthly range: $400 to $500

These figures represent averages, but we cater to clients with varying preferences. Some clients only accept web development projects starting from $5,000 or monthly SEO agreements starting from $1,500. Despite lower conversion rates compared to our average clients, they still achieve success with our leads


"Driving Success Through Targeted Leads"